Saturday, December 28, 2013

Asking the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Nicely to Rescind the Six Cents Per Ride Bhairavi Desai Tax.

Request you rescind Industry Notice 13-36 prior to medallion owners' first payment due (January 20, 2014 ) to TPEP for the six cent per ride medallion drivers' Health Care tax/fee. Please direct the ownrrs to refund this money to the drivers immediately.

Eugene Weixel <>
Dec 26 (2 days ago)
to tlcrulesachapliHeatherOfficepublic
My name is Eugene Weixel my
 hack license number is
5229882. The owner that I
 lease from, Gotham Yellow
LLC has in compliance with
the referenced TLC directive
 been withholding my money,
six cents per trip.
1- The Commission has not
cited any Act of Law that permits
it to direct this taking from me
and from tens of thousands
of other medallion taxi drivers by
 the medallion owners and their
2- The exact nature of the
purported benefits to be
provided have never been
spelled out to me or the
tens ofthousands of others 
in the affectedclass- medallion 
taxi drivers.Also the vendors 
or providersof these purported 
services , the manner of their 
selection, thecosts of each 
service, overhead costs, the 
way in which theproviding 
entity, its officersand 
employees also remain
3- As of today no services
have been provided and no
explanation for the failure to 
commence operation of the 
services on or around 
November 18, 2013 has been 
given.It is not too late too 
rectify this matter  simply. 
Rescind the directive and 
assist the owners in making 
restitution to the drivers.


Breaking Bread with Barack Obama (or is that Making Bread? - Eugene Weixel's comment)

By  • Dec 3rd, 2009 • Category: 24/7 Talk is Cheap - The Blog
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at the State Dinner
President Barack Obama
 and First Lady Michelle
Obama at the State Dinner.
When Bhairavi Desai met President Barack Obama on the reDesai recalls that she and Tariq walked up to the President during dinner. “We asked him if we could give him a tour of NYC in a taxi and he said that while Secret Service would not let him do that now, he would definitely take up the offer in the future.”
Bhairavi Desai with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
Bhairavi Desai with White House Chief (and Union Buster -
Eugene Weixel's comment)
of Staff Rahm Emanuel

Don't Believe Me!? Ask them-
@DavidYassky (twitter)

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a State Dinner in honor of  Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India and his wife, Mrs Gursharan Kaur (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)